
The women's health knowledge of women should know the general, mycotic vaginitis is one of the most common gynecological diseases in women. Mycotic vaginitis transmission can be divided into two, one is direct communication, the other is indirect communication. Whether it is a means of communication, but the reason is because the sense of Candida albicans induced by virus. Direct communication is mainly when women with Candida culture positive male sexual contact, the infection rate was 80%; and suffering from fungal vaginitis in women's sexual contact with men, about 1/2 people will be infected. That is to say, fungal vaginitis can spread through sexual behavior, this is the woman suffering from fungal vaginitis, their spouses will receive treatment at the same time the reason.

Indirect contact infectious fungal vaginal tract inflammation is the one way communication. A total of fungal infection in patients with contact toilet toilet, bathtub, bath chairs, towels, use unclean toilet paper, can cause transmission, when infected vulvovaginal Candida reaches a certain quantity, can produce fungus vaginitis. <! -- article end -- >


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